You can make tracks anywhere with Launchkey Mini’s intuitive Ableton control, creative arpeggiator, Fixed Chord mode, MIDI out, and tons of sounds in the box. It gives you everything you need to start creating in Ableton Live – and it’ll fit in your bag. These are what we consider to be the best budget MIDI keyboards. We have put together our top 5 list of MIDI controllers to get you started.

MIDI Controller are an important part of any studio set up (professional or Home recording), simply because you can create sounding instruments right from a piano layout. Others on the end of this scale (but still in the 100E budget) have additional pads and knobs for DAW control.

Some of the basic ones allow you to control software sequencers and virtual instruments.

Just a few years ago, cheap MIDI controllers were hard to come by and once a few started popping up, they started selling fast. Today, it's actually a challenge to pick a good MIDI Controller out of all the market offerings.