Let it soak in for a minute or two and peel off the sticker. To remove stickers from your guitar without leaving behind a sticky residue there, I would recommend only using Goo Gone.Īpply the goo gone to the sticker while it is still whole. SGMan- Niko Frontman guts in an SG (red, unpainted)

SG guts in an XPlorer (red with white pick guard) XBOX360 Les Paul guts in an SG (green/black fade) XBOX360 Les Paul guts in a SG (green with 6 headstock LEDs) LesKramer- Les Paul guts in a Kramer (red arrows on black) Les Paul/Xplorer- Les Paul (wireless) guts in an Xplorer (cherry/black swirl)- 2 SG (red) and X-Plorer (red/black swirl) - Swap PS3 Wireless P-Bass mod (white unpainted) Stratocaster with GH strum bar and fret button cluster StratoGibson: SG strum bar in the RB StratocasterĮxploroCaster- Strat guts in an explorer shellĭualCaster- Dual function PS2 wireless/360 wired "The One" - Strat guts in a Les Paul body with solo buttons & effects selector. Strum switch swap mod - (For missed notes) Rock Band 1 (only)- Mute button for song selection screen Hardwired fret buttons on detachable neck Les Paul and Kramer detachable neck fixes: (For dropped notes/broken fret buttons) Strum switch replacement (fixes broken up/down strum units): 1- 2 Rock Band Stratocasters Dissected: RB1- RB2 If you think I missed anything (like better links, 3rd party specific construction, or unique mods that other people would like to attempt) let me know and I'll include them as well.

*This post is a work in progress and I will update and revise as I find the time to do so. So break out your screwdrivers and soldering guns and get modding!! Thanks to everyone who helped develop these mods! The mods described here may not apply to your specific guitar and these methods may need to be modified to suit your needs. See a mod you want to try? Click on all the links and read every post before starting your project. This is the one resource to find all the information you're looking for. Is your guitar broken? Would you like to improve the performance of any of the guitar components? Would you like to do unnatural things to your guitar that breaks every known law of morality and thermodynamics? You've come to the right place! Posted: Sat 5:27 pm Post subject: Guitar Modding 101 (Repairs and other projects) READ FIRST!! Guitar Modding 101 (Repairs and other projects) READ FIRST!!